5G Technology: Two Sides to One Coin

Naomi Wengier
9 min readApr 15, 2020

There is one word on many people’s mind’s at the moment — 5G technology.

As we step even further into the future, 5G promises to revolutionise our lives — bringing with it advanced technology with fast download speeds, enhanced virtual reality, telemedicine and even self-driving cars.

This new technology offers a stronger network than we have ever seen before, connecting everything around us 100 times faster than our current un-upgraded NBN. So, I can clearly see why people are chomping at the bits for this out-of-this-world technology.

Like many people I’ve been looking into the technology, safety and health risks of 5G, and throughout my research I have come across hundreds of articles, academic documents, international appeals, websites, social media posts and YouTube videos that show both sides of 5G — many for, and even more against it.

If I’m confused, then I’m sure many of you are too, so I decided to write this article that explains 5G technology and why people are, and aren’t concerned by it.

And why I am!

Note: I am not a Scientist, Doctor or Health Specialist. Everything in this article has been researched. If you come across anything that you deem not true please contact me to rectify.

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Firstly, WHY are people worried about 5G?

Well for starters, whilst we’ve all been locked down, or self-isolating in our homes — worried about our own and others health — thousands of 5G towers and infrastructures are being built all around us, many without our knowledge or consent.

As we arise from our COVID 19 slumber, we’re not only hearing about it, we’re seeing it — everywhere! Huge towers that can be seen for miles are being constructed right next to our homes, schools, hospitals and places of worship. We literally can’t escape it.

I live in Australia, which is known for its natural beauty, so seeing these ‘eyesore’ construction pieces as soon as I step outside my door, makes me want to run to the bush and never come out.

There are thousands concerned all over the world, and our Governments are not doing enough to ease these concerns. Petitions and Facebook groups, video’s and articles are being deleted and instead of reassurance, there has been a smear campaign over the media labelling anyone (including well-respected celebrities like Chef Pete Evans, Model Miranda Kerr and Actor Isabel Lucas) who are against or concerned about 5G as a conspiracy theorist.

So let me break that down…

Conspiracy theorist: “ a belief that some covert but influential organisation is responsible for an unexplained event.” - Merriam Webster Dictionary.

These are the people that will go at any lengths to prove their point, and some may be dangerous acts to get attention.

Concerned: “a matter that causes feelings of unease, uncertainty, or apprehension” - Merriam Webster Dictionary.

This is me right now. I place high importance on health and wellness and I am generally concerned for the wellbeing of humanity and our planet.

So what is 5G, and how is it different to 4G?

5G technology is believed to be 10x faster, smarter and much more efficient than 4G — promising mobile data speeds of up to 100 gigabits per second.

The main differences between 4G and 5G are faster speeds, higher bandwidths and reduced lag time between devices and servers. However, 5G is not able to penetrate through walls well due to the higher frequencies and smaller wavelengths.

The higher the frequency the more energy needed to penetrate walls, which is why multiple antennas are needed for better reception.

Note: 5G won’t replace 4G, just like 4G didn’t replace 3G, however communication companies are already winding down parts of their 3G networks. The arrival of 5G will eventually mean the end for 3G — the third generational technology.

Concerns about Ionising and Non-ionising Radiation

Radiation can be classified as being either ionising or non-ionising.

Mobile phones, mobile towers, radios, microwaves, x-ray machines and the sun all emit radiation, however harmful forms of radiation are ionizing radiation, which can be found from ultraviolet rays and x-rays. This kind of radiation can pull apart atoms, which break chemical bonds in our DNA, damaging our cells.

Non-ionising radiation refers to a type of electromagnetic radiation and generally does not have enough energy to ionise atoms or molecules, rendering it harmless. This type of radiation includes microwave, radio frequency and other extremely low frequencies.

The Australian Government Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency website states that Non-ionising radiation is found at the long wavelength end of the spectrum and may have enough energy to excite molecules and atoms causing them to vibrate faster. This is obvious in a microwave oven where the radiation causes water molecules to vibrate faster and create heat.”

The same Australian Government website advises: Ionising radiation is the energy produced from natural or artificial sources. It has more energy than non-ionising radiation, enough to cause chemical changes by breaking chemical bonds. This effect can cause damage to living tissue.”

One of the biggest concerns about 5G is that there could be potential for non-ionising radiation over long periods of time to cause chemical changes, especially to DNA molecules. Although there hasn’t been enough sufficient evidence to cause major concern over non-ionising radiation, there has been numerous advice to limit exposure where possible due to adverse health risks.

Whilst Microwave Radiation (MW) is absorbed near the skin, Radiofrequency Radiation (RF) can be absorbed through the body, and at high enough intensities both can damage tissue through heating.

Due to the unknown, medical studies are almost impossible to carry out regarding this topic, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) claiming to release studies well after the implementation of 5G. This means that we could be exposed to more and different types of radiation before understanding any potential health risks.

And what about our Environment?

Whilst there are claims on 5G not affecting our health, there are limited studies on how it will affect the environment around us. It has been said that the electromagnetic radiation emitting from cell towers and power lines could disorientate insects, birds and destroy plant health.

With towers and cell antennas going up every 100 to 200 metres, we’ll not only be exposed to more radiation, but so will the little guys that help create this planet, ie; our birds, bees, insects and trees.

Honey bees are one of our world’s most important species, and without them our planet could not survive. Radiation is said to be a disruption of our natural ecosystem, and reduces the egg-laying abilities of the queen bee — leading to a decline in colony strength.

For more information visit: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225187745_Changes_in_honey_bee_behaviour_and_biology_under_the_influence_of_cell_phone_radiations

In May 2018, The Telegraph reported “electromagnetic radiation from power lines, wi-fi, phone masts and broadcast transmitters poses a ‘credible’ threat to wildlife, a new report suggests, as environmentalists warned the 5G roll out could cause greater harm.”

The article went on to say that due to an analysis of 97 studies by an EU-funded review, the results concluded that radiation is a potential risk to insect and bird orientation and plant health.

Read the full article here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2018/05/17/electromagnetic-radiation-power-lines-phone-masts-poses-credible/

Scientific Research, Expert Opinions & The Appeal signed by 252 Scientists Around the World


Another cause for concern is that as well Ex-President of Microsoft, Frank Clegg speaking out about his concerns for 5G technology and asking for more research, 252 International EMF Scientist from 47 nations have signed an appeal on 5G technology as of October 2019. This was sent to the U.N. Human Rights Advisory Committee calling for greater health protection on EMF exposure.

The Appeal stated: We have serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices. These include–but are not limited to–radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitting devices, such as cellular and cordless phones and their base stations, Wi-Fi, broadcast antennas, smart meters, and baby monitors as well as electric devices and infra-structures used in the delivery of electricity that generate extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF).

You can read the full “New and Emerging Digital Technologies and Human Rights” appeal here.

Adding to the concern is a report from 1994, where the Australian Government commissioned a review with Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association Inc. (ORSAA), a not-for-profit organisation of scientists and professionals that investigate the effects of artificial electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on humans, animals and the environment.

The report stated: “For these reasons the Committee Chair recommends a rigorous precautionary approach in all areas of the deployment of wireless technology, that radiofrequency (RF) emissions be kept As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), and that the expired interim exposure Standard not be adapted to the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines.

However, nearly all the recommendations were not implemented by the government.”

Another major concern are the 20,000 5G satellites Elon Musk is planning on sending into space. This has triggered many scientists, doctors, environmental organisations and people from all over the world to start and sign an appeal with 237,756 signatures to date, claiming that the deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.

Read more here: https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal

A link between Radio Frequency and DNA damage

In November 2018, The National Institutes of Health (NIH) published an article that showed a study done on rats using high exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR). The rodents bodies were exposed to the highest level of cell phone for 10-minute on and off increments, totaling around 9 hours each day.

Although it was stated that the rats endured a longer life expectancy, the experiment resulted in the male rats developing tumors, according to the National Toxicology Program (NTP).


Whilst the animals were exposed to RFR using frequencies found in 2G and 3G cell phones, John Butcher, Ph.D, NTP Senior Scientist said: “We believe that the link between radio frequency radiation and tumors in male rats is real, and the external experts agreed”

Whilst 5G uses different frequencies than it’s counterparts used in this experiment, there is still concern that exposure to radio frequency radiation long-term could be damaging to not only human DNA but to smaller species, especially if the radiation is a mere 100 to 200 metres away from each other.

And Lastly, Why did Bryon Bay, Brussels, Switzerland and Slovenia pause their 5G rollout.

Brussels has halted 5G due to the inability of scientists to prove mobile phones don’t cause cancer, whilst Slovenia has postponed the rollout of 5G untill the effects on humans and the environment are investigated further. Switzerland has placed an indefinite suspension on the rollout due to health concerns, and Byron Bay became the first place in Australia to call a moratorium on a proposed 5G tower upgrade.

With these countries and places placing a hold on 5G due to health and safety concerns, the rest of the world can’t help but to question why?

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As I conclude this article, I want to leave you with a powerful video that shows a young man educating Houston City Council in 2019 on 5G.

The concern is not with the technology itself, the biggest concern I am hearing and one that I feel strongly about, is that due to the smaller radiation wavelength frequencies, 5G will need to be placed absolutely everywhere.

There is speculation that it is not harmful but there is no guarantee. And the only way we are going to find out is by having our planet covered even more in this non-ionised radiation, whilst hoping for the best.

And by the time we find out what the real effects this may have on ourselves, our community, our animals and our environment.

It might already be too late.

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ARPANSA Government Website: The Australian Government Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Website: Non-Ionizing Radiation

University of Washington Environmental Health & Safety Website, Non-Ionising Radiation

Website: Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association Inc. (ORSAA), Scientific Evidence of Biological Effects

Website, How Radiation Works, How Stuff Works / Science

Appeal: EU 5G Appeal — Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G,

Appeal: EMFscientist.org

International Appeal: Stop 5G on Earth and in Space

Paper: World Health Organisation, International EMF Project

Article: 5G Is Coming: How Worried Should We Be about the Health Risks? Scientific American, September 2019

Conference Paper: The Effect of Cell Phone Radiations on the Life Cycle of Honeybees, July 2013

Paper: Electricsense; 5G Radiation Dangers — 11 Reasons To Be Concerned

Article: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/high-exposure-radio-frequency-radiation-associated-cancer-male-rats, November 1, 2018

Article: 5G radiation health risks have been hyped, but Dr Karl explains why you don’t need to worry, 28 August 2019

Article: Brussels pauses 5G rollout due to lack of proof mobile phones don’t cause cancer, Euronews, 16 January 2020

Article: Electromagnetic radiation from power lines and phone masts poses ‘credible’ threat to wildlife, report finds, 18 May 2018

Article: Honey bees absorb more cell phone radiation at 5G mid-band and high-band frequencies, 21 January 2020

Video: Derrick Broze Educates Houston City Council on 5g and They Actually Listen, 26 Jun 2019

Reddit Forum: Recently, the “5G causes Covid19” conspiracy theory has gained popularity. I’m a Radar Engineer with a masters degree in Telecommunication Engineering and a teaching qualification in high school physics!



Naomi Wengier

Naomi is an Intuitive Writer and Founder of NW Creative. She is spiritual, passionate, well-travelled, and delights in the rawness of the human soul.